On sharing your opinion

Posted on February 15, 2018 · 1 min read · tagged with: #personal

Two short stories, one topic.


Imagine the following scenario. An interesting discussion that gets people excited. There’s this one new person that doesn’t get involved too much. Actually, if you were counting all the words they said, the number would be 0. Nothing, none, null. The reason for this is simple. They did not go through the same as the rest. The experience in this topic, if any, is none. Their reasoning as simple as that: no exp, no talk. Is it a valid approach?


Imagine the following scenario. An interesting discussion that gets people excited. There’s this one person that gets involved. They share all the experiences they had with the top ic. The reasoning they share, the experience, is so big, that all the rest just follows their words. The speaker’s reasoning as simple as that: big exp, big talk. Is it a valid approach?

What to do

Recently, I came to a conclusion that there’s no simple answer to these questions. Being an expert, sometimes requires you to be quiet for a little. To listen to others’ experiences and to not flood them with your opinions. They may just follow you. Being a novice, sometimes requires you to share, what you don’t know. Just to show a new point of view.

Next time, when debating, think about your opinions again. Maybe, it’s time to make it the other way around.


Good point.

by Dariusz Lenartowicz (@dariusz_lenart) at 2018-02-15 10:03:45 +0000