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This is one more personal post after my latest description of my learning pattern. I’d like to share how I start my morning and how it improved my overall quality of whole day.
I’ve been changing this schedule a little bit for 5 months now. The current version might be a subject to change, but the overall shape won’t change. Why?
I’ve always been an early bird, but a few months ago I noticed loosing focus. Keeping a morning like this, introduces some good routine/regime to my life and lets me maintain focus for my whole work day. Waking early means going to bed ~10-11PM, but occasionally I stay awake till the midnight (once in a while). Additionally, before I start my work, I got my workout, some reading, two breakfasts checked. This is a really good start!
Is this a way to go for everyone? Probably not. On the other hand, living in a world of interruptions and notifications does not improve our ability to focus. Having a morning like this - definitely does.
awesome, whatever works for you its good for you! key here IMO is to find that routine. Not an easy tasks and not everyone want to try if this will work for them.
Therefore grats for finding your own routine!
by Jakub Gutkowski (@gutek) at 2017-02-16 08:34:31 +0000