Dependency rejection

Posted on November 07, 2016 · 2 mins read · tagged with: #architecture #design #design patterns


This values must be updates synchronously or we need referential integrity or we need to make all these service calls together are sentences that unfortunately can be heard in discussions about systems. This post provides a pattern for addressing this remarks

The reality

As Jonas Boner says in his presentation Knock, knock. Who’s there? Reality. We really can’t afford to have one database, one model to fit it all. It’s impossible. We process too much, too fast, with too many components to make it all in one fast call. Not to mention transactions. This is reality and if you want to deny reality good luck with that.

The pattern

The pattern to address this remarks is simple. You need to say no to this absurd. NoNoNo.  This no can be su pported with many arguments:

  • independent components should be independent, right? Like in-de-pen-dent. They can’t stop working when others stop. This dependency just can’t be taken.
  • does your business truly ensures that everything is prepared up front? What if somebody buys a computer from you? Would you rather say I’ll get it delivered in one week or first double check with all the components if it’s there, or maybe somebody returned it or maybe call the producer with some speech synthesizer? For sure it’s not an option. This dependency just can’t be taken.

You could come up with many more arguments, which could be summarized simply as a new pattern in the town, The Dependency Rejection.

Next time when your DBA/architect/dev friend/tester dreams about this shiny world of a total consistency and always available services, remind them of this and simply reject dependency on this unrealistic idea.