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There is a famous Bruce Lee clip showing him as a very good ping pong player using unusual tooling to get the job done. It thought that this ping pong match would be a great story for writing a test for my RampUp library, especially when I provided the first, most likely not final, version of the actor system.
To have more fun I split Bruce Lee into Bruce & Lee. Each part of Bruce Lee either pings or pongs.
[code language=”csharp”]
public class Bruce : IHandle
public void Handle(ref Envelope envelope, ref Ping msg) { var p = new Pong(); Bus.Publish(ref p); } }
public class Lee : IHandle
public void Handle(ref Envelope envelope, ref Pong msg) { var p = ne w Ping(); Bus.Publish(ref p); } }
The ping/pong messages are only markups:
[code language="csharp"]
public struct Pong : IMessage {}
public struct Ping : IMessage {}
And the final execution of this setup can be summarized in:
[code language=”csharp”]
public class Program { public static void Main() { var system = new ActorSystem(); IBus bus = null;
system.Add(new Bruce(), ctx => { bus = ctx.Actor.Bus = ctx.Bus; }); system.Add(new Lee(), ctx => { ctx.Actor.Bus = ctx.Bus; });
var p = new Pong(); bus.Publish(ref p); // pong as Bruce // … later system.Stop(); } } ```
I hope you like the example. I’m aware that ActorSystem API isn’t the best possible API ever, but even in this shape enables me to push RampUp forward.
I see that all those IHandle/IBus/Publish concepts has evolved into something sweet. The one thing I can't get is this IBus assignment - why are you getting an instance from Bruce instead of Lee? Can't you get it from ActorSystem?
by Kamil Mrzygłód (@Kamil_Mrzyglod) at 2016-04-08 20:39:36 +0000I'm glad you like the higher level API. For now there's no bus that can be obtained from the system itself, but I'll add it for sure. I desperately needed to provide any kind of API to enable me and potential community members to shape the rest of RampUp.
by Szymon Kulec 'Scooletz' at 2016-04-08 20:49:06 +0000