This post has been imported from my previous blog. I did my best to parse XML properly, but it might have some errors.
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There is a pattern which can be used to orchestrate collaboration of different aggregates, even if they are located in different contexts/domains. This patters is called a process manager. What it does is handling events which may result in actions on different aggregates. How can one create a process manager handling events from different sources? How to design storage for a process manager?
In the latest take of event sourcing I used a very same direction taken by EventStore. My first condition was to have a single natural number describing the sequence number for each event committed in the given context/domain (represented as module). This, because of using an auto-incrementing identity in a relational database table, even when some event may be rolled back by transaction, has resulted in an monotonically increasing position number for any event appended in the given context/domain. This lets you to use the number of a last read event as a cursor for reading the events forward. Now you can imagine, that having m ultiple services results in having multiple logs with the property of monotonically increasing positions, for example:
If a process manager reads from multiple contexts/domains, you can easily come to a conclusion that all you need to store is a last value of a cursor from the given domain. Once an event is dispatched, in terms of finishing handling by the process manager, the cursor value for the context event was created within is updated. This creates an easy but powerful tool for creating process managers with at-least-once process guarantee for all the events they have to process.
If a process provides guarantee of processing events at-least-once and can perform actions on aggregates, it may, as action on aggregate and saving the state of a PM isn’t transactional, perform the given action more than once. It’s easy: just imagine crushing the machine after the action but before marking the event as dispatched. How can we ensure that no event will result in a doubled action? This will be the topic of the next post.
[…] So you model you domain with aggregates in minds, distilling contexts and domains. The separation between services may be clear or a bit blurry, but it looks ok and, more important, maps the business well. Inside a single context bubble, you can use your aggregates’ events to create views and use the views when in need of data for a command execution. It doesn’t matter which database you use for storing events. It’s simple. Restore the state of an aggregate, gather some data from views, execute a command. If any events are emitted, just store them. A background worker will pick them up to dispatch to a Process Manager. […]
by Events on the Outside versus Events on the Inside | Extreme .NET programming at 2016-05-23 07:10:51 +0000